About AFCANSN Online Courses

Helping Seniors to define their future


Founded in 2010, the African Canadian Seniors Network (AFCANSN) is one of Canada’s top senior’s networking programs. With a history of providing support for the senior’s community through, online training, classroom workshops, we are dedicated to providing services and support to our members. For additional inquiries about our programs please click the Contact Us! button below. 

AFCANSN Tech Courses

The AFCANSN Tech Courses program is a vital part of our continued support for our African Canadian Seniors and our members. Through this educational portal our members can register for a variety of educational online training and classroom workshops tech courses. We provide tech courses for our Sophomore, Junior, and Senior members.

Membership Levels

To begin a course, you must first register for one of the following memberships. Click on the link to begin your registration. Membership levels help to identify what level of course you can register for. However, courses may are eligible for multiple membership levels.



For our members ranging in age from 15yrs-29yrs of age.



For our members ranging in age from 30yrs-65yrs of age.



For our members ranging in age from 66yrs+ of age.